City2Surf @ Swiss Grand Bondi

"City 2 Surf 2011. World record, largest fun run. What an awesome event! I had never participated in such a large event before. But it wasn't just the volume of people competing that impressed me, it was the vibe everywhere over the course from people dragging their couches out onto the footpath to watch or just hanging over their balcony while having breakie.

Sure, it was an early start and we may have all been freezing on the start line in the pouring rain, but once we sung the national anthem and got underway we quickly left that all behind on our journey to Bondi and the Swiss Grand.

It truly is spectacular running amongst 80,000 other people, having the roads all to ourselves.
The first 5km is just amazing, you get lost in moment (well at least I did). The adreniline makes you run faster than you planned as everyone is still jostling for their own piece or tarmac, over the rolling hills through to Rose Bay, passing person after person and getting overtaken after overtaken as everyone is all going at a different  pace pushing up towards Heartbreak Hill. You push past the strugglers as you power up the hill, ignoring your legs desperate pleas for a rest, but you know that the hard stuff is almost finished.

10km mark and still going strong with just a few kilometers to go, but the final 4km is no time to rest with a predominantly flat finish with a nice downhill onto Campbell Parade it is more than just a Sunday cruise. Making sure to take in the views of this great run, you wind down past the golf course where the cheerleaders has their boom box pumping you along as the beautiful Bondi Beach comes into view. Once down onto Campbell Parade it's just 1km towards the Swiss Grand and the crowds cheering pulls you through to the carpark in front of the Swiss Grand where you collapse outside the Pavillion for a much needed Gatorade.

The atmosphere when you get to Bondi is amazing, everybody out cheering, racing or volunteering. Back in the Swiss Grand where there were many after race functions, it's buzzing long after the bulk of the competitors have finished.

City 2 Surf, what an amazing way to be introduced to Bondi Beach and it's well known atmosphere. The functions at the Swiss Grand hotel, the Marques at the beach and of course the fun run all made a great experience for a first time City 2 Surfian."
By Matthew Murdoch

About Mathew

Mathew is 19 years and from Wellington, New Zealand. Having just finished school, he is a sports junkie and a change in lifestyle brought him to beautiful Bondi. He loves running competitively in athelitics and cross-country and was recently named in the New South Wales team. He has been running for 8 – 9 years though primarily 400 – 800m. This was his first city2surf where he placed a very respectable 481, competing the course in 54 min 48 sec. He is now looking forward to improving his score in the race to come next year.

City2Surf 2011 Sydney Official Photo Gallery

Dates for 2012 - August 12th ... Book your early bird accommodation special at Swiss Grand Bondi and catch all the action +61 2 9365 5666